Club Library

These are just a sample of books in the club library. They are free to borrow for members. Please contact our Librarian, Beryl Smart, if you’d like one or more brought to the next meeting, or want to see more in our collection. Email:

The Australian Native Bee Book(2016)

Tim Heard


Buzz: The Nature and Necessity of Bees

Thor Hanson

The Buzz
The Buzz

Natures Gift

Athol Craig and Skaidra Craig

Natures Gift
Natures Gift

Backyard Beekeeping

Courtnay N. Smithers

backyard beekeeping
backyard beekeeping

Field Guide to Eucalypts. Vol 3, Northern Australia

Brooker M.I.H. and Keinig D.A.


Beekeeping for Dummies

 Howland Blackiston

beekeeping for dummmies
beekeeping for dummmies

Australian Stingless Bees: A Guide to Sugarbag Beekeeping (2007)

John Klumpp

Stingless Bees
Stingless Bees

Backyard Bees: A guide for the beginner beekeeper

 Doug Purdie

backyard bees
backyard bees

The History of Honey in Australia

Catriona Nicholls

history of honey
history of honey

Bee Friendly: A planting guide for European Honey bees and Australian native pollinators

Mark Leech

bee friendly
bee friendly

A Year in the Beeyard: An Experts Month-by-Month Instructions for Successful Beekeeping

Roger A. Morse

bbe yard
bbe yard

Beekeeping in Australia, For pleasure and profit

Fred Bailey

Beekeeping in Australia
Beekeeping in Australia

The Hive and the Honeybee

Edited by Dadant and sons

hive and honeybee

Flora of Australia Vol 19: Myrtacea, Eucalyptus, Angofora

Executive Editor Alexander S. George

flora of Australia
flora of Australia

Honey and Pollen Flora

Alan Clemson

honey flora
honey flora

The ABC and XYZ of Bee Culture

 A.I. Root (original). Later editions by E.R. Root, H.H. Root, J.A. Root

bee culture

Boxes to Barhives. Beekeeling history of Queensland

Trevor Weatherhead

Boxes to bar hives
Boxes to bar hives

The Bee. A Natural History

Noah Wilson-Rich

bee - a natural history
bee - a natural history

Bee Agskills. A Practical Guide to Farm Skills

NSW Department of Primary Industries

Bee Agskills
Bee Agskills

A Guide to Native Bees of Australia

Terry Houston

native bees guide
native bees guide

The Bee Book

Peter Warhurst & Roger Goebel

bee book
bee book

More Than Honey

A film by Markus Imhoof

More than honey DVD
More than honey DVD